Video Management Tool
Hypothesis: A company in the audiovisual sector has asked us for a web application that will allow their employees to quickly find movies from a large database they have, since the process is currently done manually.
You will be in charge of setting up the core of the application: all the logic of filtering and sorting of movies. You have 2 weeks to finish, which is how long this sprint lasts. 2015 and 2017, I was co-designing and leading the UI design & development for various web properties of ChartMogul. I played a key role in creating a components-based UI design system and incorporating it across all web touchpoints.
The problem is that, even though no one truly asked me to do this, I decided to add a minimal Bootstrap landing page just so I could both explore new designs and express my gratitude to:
- Auregan Nedelec
- Freepik project
for their visual contributions and inspiration. Thanks a lot!